Climate Solutions, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

The Link Between Heating Repairs and Maintenance

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Did you know that there is a connection between making heater maintenance a priority and having fewer repair needs over the years? But there’s also a connection between skipping out on heater maintenance and facing more frequent and serious repair needs for your heater.

Even if you haven’t invested in heater maintenance in the past, you can make a shift this year. Now is a great time to prioritize heating maintenance so you can reduce the chances of needing heating repair in Campbell County, WY. Keep reading to learn more about how professional heater maintenance can help extend your heater’s lifespan, improve efficiency, and even reduce repair needs over the years. 

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AFUE Ratings for Furnaces: What You Should Know

Monday, November 6th, 2023

When you’re shopping around for a furnace replacement in Campbell County, WY you want to make the best possible choice. After all, a furnace can last for upwards of 15 years. It’s a choice you have to live with for a long time to come. 

One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a furnace is the AFUE rating. AFUE stands for annual fuel usage efficiency and it measures how much energy a heater has to use to heat your home. Keep reading to learn more about AFUE ratings and why they are important to pay attention to. 

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The Importance of Furnace Maintenance

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

There are many people who have the attitude that if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. But this rule does not apply to major home appliances like your furnace. After all, your furnace could have a small problem that you wouldn’t even know about unless you scheduled a check-up. You do in fact want to be proactive and fix things before they are obviously broken. 

So when it comes to your furnace, even if it is not showing signs of problems, you still need to schedule regular furnace maintenance in Campbell County, WY. In fact, doing so could actually save you a lot of time and money. Keep reading to learn more about the many benefits of furnace maintenance and how this service can help your home and family.

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What’s That Spooky Sound From My Furnace?

Monday, October 9th, 2023
Scared woman covering mouth with hands

Your furnace is going to make a few sounds from time to time during normal operation. However, the sounds that you hear from your heater should never be particularly loud or alarming. Any sounds that are not a part of everyday operation should be cause for concern.

In fact, unusual furnace sounds are an indication that you need to schedule furnace repair in Campbell County, WY. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the common furnace sounds that can mean trouble for your heater. Then give our team a call to schedule service and stay ahead of a heater breakdown.

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3 Reasons to Get Your Furnace Maintenance Done Now

Monday, September 25th, 2023

Having a working heater in our area is absolutely crucial, especially on the coldest days of winter. When you schedule a furnace tune-up now, you can rest easy for the entire fall and winter seasons knowing that your heater is ready to keep your home warm without any hiccups.

It’s time to schedule this valuable HVAC service in Campbell County, WY. Putting off a furnace maintenance appointment or skipping out on one completely will only lead to problems in the future. You may even be left calling us in the middle of winter with an emergency breakdown. You can keep reading to learn more about why you want to get your furnace maintenance completed now instead of waiting until later in the season.

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4 Facts About Radiant Heaters You Should Know

Monday, February 27th, 2023

People often think about furnaces as the main kind of heater for the modern home. However, it isn’t the only option. If you’re looking for a good heater, you can also look into radiant heating systems in Campbell County, WY.

If you aren’t familiar with these systems just yet, we can give you some of the most important details to know. This way you can discover more easily if you would prefer a forced air or a radiant heating system.

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Choosing Between a Gas or All-Electric Furnace

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Furnace heating systems have been around for a long time. Today’s models look and operate differently than those that were found in houses 100 years ago. The furnaces that you can find today are made to be as effective, efficient, and safe as possible which is why you may be considering a furnace installation in Campbell County, WY.

If you are considering a furnace for your home, then one of the biggest decisions that you’ll need to make is choosing between a gas or electric furnace. We’ll give you some of the biggest factors to consider when deciding what kind of furnace you want and then help you through the rest of the process with our expert furnace services.

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Distinct Warning Signs of Furnace Repair Needs

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Winter is here and the cold weather is keeping us indoors as often as possible. This means you need your heater to operate at its best right now. The problem is, it may not be able to. If your heater is struggling to do its job in spite of something, it can be like trying to work while you are sick–the work getting done is subpar and the illness only gets worse.

Let’s avoid letting the problem get worse! If your furnace is struggling, make sure you know the warning signs to watch for. That way you can get a furnace repair in Campbell County, WY promptly before it gets worse or your furnace gives out completely.

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Get Your Heater Fixed Before Family Arrives

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Trying to think of something great to do to make the holidays a little more special this year? Whether you are hosting just a couple of friends for a holiday meal or you are preparing for a flood of family members, you will want to make sure the house is prepared! We have an idea that can help.

Get ahead of the rush by scheduling heating repairs in Campbell County, WY now, before your family complains about the cold. Here are some warning signs that you can check for that will alert you to the need for repairs.

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What To Look For In a New Commercial Heater

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Living through a cold winter season in our area is made a lot easier with a reliable heater keeping things livable. You should want to make sure that your commercial space is outfitted with a trustworthy heater too. After all, a cold commercial space can slow production and slow down business.

If you’ve discovered that winter is fast approaching and your commercial heating system is on a fast decline, then it is time to make some changes. Reach out today to schedule your commercial heating installation in Campbell County, WY, and talk to one of our technicians about your options for your next system.

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