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Prepare Your Home and Family Ahead of an AC Replacement


Choosing a new air conditioning system is a stressful process, but installation day doesn’t have to be. By knowing what to expect and preparing for air conditioning replacement in Campbell County, WY, the process is a relatively easy and simple one. The most important day in the life of an HVAC system is the day it’s installed and a smooth installation process is part of that success. Let’s go over 5 things you can do to prepare your home for AC installation that will make the process seamless and stress-free.

Prepare Your Home and Family Ahead of an AC Replacement

Clear the Installation Area
Communicate With Us About Installation Day
Make Plans for Pets and Kids
Prepare for Temporary Disruptions
Have an Adult Present

1. Clear the Installation Area

One of the most important steps in preparing for an AC replacement is clearing the space where the new unit will be installed. Remove any furniture or boxes that might be in the way and clear a path from your home’s entrance to the installation site. Our technicians will need enough space to carry equipment and the new AC unit without difficulty. The outdoor unit will also be replaced so make sure there’s a clear path in this area as well. You may need to cut grass, trim bushes, and move outdoor furniture or yard items. 

2. Communicate With Us About Installation day

Before the installation day, we will take the time to discuss the installation timeline and the specific steps involved. We’ll give you an estimate of how long the installation should take. While most AC replacements can be completed within a day, knowing the timeline will help you plan for any disruptions.

3. Make Plans for Pets and Kids 

Curious pets and children will naturally be interested in the installation process. But for your family’s safety as well as ours, it’s essential to keep children and pets away from the installation area. If possible, arrange for your pets to stay with a friend or family member during the installation. This will not only keep them safe but also reduce the stress they might experience from the noise and unfamiliar activity.

4. Prepare for Temporary Disruptions

AC replacement can cause temporary disruptions to your household routine. These might include increased noise levels, a brief loss of air conditioning, and potential power interruptions. If you’re concerned about losing cooling during the installation, try to cool your home as much as possible beforehand. You might also want to set up fans in key areas of your home to keep the air circulating while the AC is off.

5. Have an Adult Present

Although the installation process is usually straightforward, issues can sometimes arise. When they do, it’s essential to have a responsible adult at home that our technicians can consult. Be sure to have an adult present for the entire installation process in case any issues come up. 

By following these precautions, you can rest assured knowing you’ve done everything you can to ensure a smooth and stress-free installation day. 

Schedule an appointment with the team at Climate Solutions, Inc. The trusted source for all your heating and cooling needs.

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